News and the President

The news is part of our daily lives whether its from friends, family or some form of social media. News is everywhere. For me I mainly hear about the news from my friends, family and facebook. When I hear something that I find interesting or that I simply want to know more about I will look it up online and double check the facts. When I do this I look for cites that end in .org or a cite that I know like the statesman journal. If I cannot find anymore information on it then I will believe the news to be incorrect or fake. I do not subscribe to any online reporting operations for a few reasons. The main reason is that I simply cannot afford to do so. I live on a tight budget and those types of subscriptions aren't a necessity for me. Another reason is that I can find plenty of articles for free if I want to look up any news. To me I don't see the worth because of how many cites don't charge you to view the content of it. If I were to rate myself on a scale of one to five about being informed on current issues I would have to rate myself at a one. I try my best to keep up with the news and any new information out there, but I hardly find credible articles and I don't have cable so keeping up with the news is a bit harder when you are just looking through articles online. I would really love to become more informed about the issues and news around the world and am trying to become better about it as I get older.

President Trump labeling certain news stories or companies "fake news" just makes me think that he is targeting those particular companies or stories because he doesn't like what they are saying about him. To me when he does that sort of thing it makes me think that he is trying to hide something that those articles or companies are covering. I believe that he is doing more harm than good when it comes to these things. The President should be supportive of the First Amendment and not label companies or stories "fake news". I believe that our democracy is weakened by the current state of affairs because it has turned media and journalism against each other when it comes to reporting on topics. Here are two different articles, both from cites that he has called "fake news" reporting on him and his recent activities. Both are written in different tones either a nonaggressive tone or one that is more aggressive towards him. The division between trump supporters and the people who don't support him can been seen throughout media causing the readers to feel the need to pick a side, and the tone of which the article is written in can influence this.


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