The impact that is Music

Music, one of the things that everyone can enjoy. It can be inappropriate at times or to people of certain ages, but there is truly something out there for everyone. I have tried to protect people from musics influences, but its never been someone my age. I've worked with children for the past three years and have noticed that certain songs meanings go over their heads. One specific time I was watching a few kids at my job and one of the girls, who was about 7 or 8 at the time, started to sing a song. Now the song to a child doesn't sound bad at all, but to someone who knew what it all meant it sounds terrible coming from a child. The song was Ride by Somo. If you've heard the song you know its about sex. The lyrics are talking about taking off heels and pulling hair in parts of it. When i heard her sing this song I immediately told her to stop and explained that it was an inappropriate song that she shouldn't be singing. I wanted to protect her from what she was singing even though she had no idea what it meant. This experience made me feel like we really don't know what kids are listening to now, and the idea that they are hearing music like that scares me.

As I've grown up I've listed to many different types of music but my favorite genre has to be Rock. My dad was in a rock band when he was a teenager and always played it around me when I was younger. My top five favorite bangs are Theory of a deadman, Hinder, Shinedown, Black Stone Cherry, and Papa Roach. I love that when I listen to this music I can hear the instruments.

Campus Radio for LBCC sounds like it could be a really cool idea. It would allow for students to control what they are hearing and what not. I think that if enough effort is put into it and enough support is behind it then yeah its feasible. Funding, like most radio shows, could be done by allowing companies to place their ads on the air for students to hear, as well as fundraisers and donations to keep it running as well. As for formatting I feel that either a talk show type of thing where they talk about the events on campus, give tips to students or just about the thing that are going on around the world would be good or a college music centered broadcast where student can request songs and such to give them more control of the radio.


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