
About me:
Hello i'm Bryanna, i'm going into my senior year at Oregon state university. I am dual enrolled at LBCC as well which is where I take summer classes. My goals are to become a preschool teacher and to teach abroad for a year or two. I have always been interested in media, I feel that is something normal to my generation, but I also see the effects it has on society and would like to learn more about the effects it truly has on us. Also with the intent of becoming a preschool teacher I've become more aware of how much it impacts children and how they are growing up. I'm currently working two to three jobs during the summers as well as taking classes so my spare time is limited, but I'm passionate about my jobs. I work at a daycare and love watching the children I work with grow and learn new things.

Media in my life:
As a college student like others I don't have cable T.V. meaning that most if not all of the news I hear about is off of social media.  The three media sources I use the most are Facebook, twitter and the news section on snap chat (I know that this isn't just one source, but it provides the stories from each source in one location where I tend to look a lot.) These three things are all the apps on my phone that I go through when i'm bored or have nothing to do so it happens to be the places that i read the most information. Now these are great apps for posting pictures of your new dog, but not the most reliable for correct news stories. A lot of the stories that get posted on thee apps are "click bait" so you will click and read. Now other times it is a real story just with missing facts or incorrect information. I've always understood that not everything you read online will be true, but "Fake news" is more common than I thought. I do have a few steps I take to make sure that the information i'm reading is true. I first will look at the articles URL and see if it is known for actual news like a news station website or if its know for humor like the onion. If it is one that i am not sure of then i will do a normal google search to see if there are any other articles saying the same thing or something similar.


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