Stay true to who???
I wrote about this in the past, but with a different view. Now after listening to the same ad more than ten different times I’ve changed how I viewed it. For one of my two jobs you are allowed to listen to music and for the most part I listen to Pandora, which plays ads if you don’t pay for it monthly. Do to the fact that I am a broke college student I just live with the ads. The ad I looked at is the For Stay True To You the campaign to keep teenagers away from drugs. This one in particular is about smoking weed. It starts off with a student saying that he feels as if he’s the only one who doesn't smoke, but then that he found out he’s not alone and is surrounded by a few other students. The ad then goes on to tell the facts about high schoolers smoking weed. The ad was done using actors, but none that looked familiar to me. The ad itself takes place in a high school where the actors are sitting on the steps. It last 15 seconds and I’ve only heard it on Pandora. This ad is one ...